Regd. Date: 23-03-2001
Regd. No: 39069
Chief Officer: Shailendra Kumar Singh
NGO ID: 9617241241

Contact details

Phone: 011-23232102
Mobile Mobile: 9868035848
Email Email: abhivyaktifoundation_2000@yahoo.co.in
Would you like to log into this NGO? Send your request to Indian NGOs by mentioning the NGO's identity in 9617241241
Website: http://www.abhivyaktifoundation.org
Located in the city: Delhi of Delhi State, India.
Address Address of the NGO: 1/18-B, Asaf Ali Road, Room No. 403, Dreamland Building, Opposite Kamla Market, New Delhi, 110002


NGO activities: The Abhivyakti Foundation is a national non-governmental organization working on the grassroots level, since its inception, the main focus area is health and education and the target groups are women and children. In organizations, nine years of experience in rural areas, we have done various activities for income generation, such as SHG & Micro Insurence and surveys for different issues with other organizations.
